Sunday, February 8, 2015

Well, the time has finally arrived and tomorrow I leave for Chile. It's weird to think that I won't be in the US for the next 5 months; I won't be surrounded by a language I know, a culture I understand, and I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb. Despite all this, I'm excited for the adventure.

Before my orientation begins on February 19th, I am meeting up with four Lewis & Clark friends to go backpacking through Torres del Paine in the Chilean Patagonia. From there, we continue our journey to Valparaíso, Chile to begin our study abroad program.

I'm hoping to update this blog as much as possible, posting pictures and explaining my adventures. The time has come to leave behind anything that's familiar to me and immerse myself in the unknown. Goodbye comfort, and hello adventure!


  1. Can't wait to hear about your updates!

  2. Not sure if my first comment saved...but I love the quote!! Have so much fun, and meet as many people from around the world as possible.


  3. You forgot to pack me in your suitcase. xoxox Lauren B

  4. Mindsey Pilgrom -- more updates please! Leah says hello and that she misses you!
